The Joy of Studying Plant Medicine

By Christina PolnyjThis month I give thanks for a year of abundant learning and for the inspiration I receive from people all over the world.  One of the great joys of studying aromatherapy and plant medicine is traveling to conferences to meet like-minded individuals...

Biodynamic Cranial Touch to be Offered in January at FSM

By Giorgia MilneWhat is body? Inner-body-felt-sense-awareness is the foundation upon which Biodynamic Cranial Touch (BCT) is built. It is applicable in any healing or transformative modality.  No matter the plethora of healing or personal development approaches...

Is Thai Reflexology Really Reflexology?

by Karen BallThe other day I got into a conversation on a Facebook reflexology group page I follow. The exchange started with a woman’s struggle (her word) around the term Thai Reflexology. She wondered how someone practicing this age-old therapy could call it...

A Matter of Engagement

by Frank MerillatI was thinking about what are the really important elements in having therapy be effective. Usually folks think about things such as technique and knowledge of anatomy. As I reflect back on my experience over the years, I keep coming back to the piece...

Massage in Schools Program: Bringing Hands-On Respect To Kids

Bring human connection with nurturing touch into your classrooms.  The Florida School of Massage will host a Massage in Schools workshop Saturday and Sunday, October 25-26. The course will take place from 9:00AM until 5:00PM both days at the school, located at 6421 SW...

When Feet Take A Beating

by Karen BallSome people claim that of all our body parts, our feet tend to suffer the most.  I don’t know if that’s true, but I do know that there’s nothing worse than sore feet; and sore feet are a guarantee if neglected.  Our feet are our trusty servants, providing...