By Giorgia Milne

Gigi 2014What is body? Inner-body-felt-sense-awareness is the foundation upon which Biodynamic Cranial Touch (BCT) is built. It is applicable in any healing or transformative modality.  No matter the plethora of healing or personal development approaches available in the world today, all effective therapeutic relationships are characterized by the “something” that “happens” in the healing or transformative moment.

The cultivation of unwavering presence has a stabilizing effect benefiting both the practitioner’s personal growth process as well as the multiple levels and stages of healing in the client.  The ability to remain in a natural state of combined inner steadiness and responsiveness not only brings relief, it seems inherent to this healing process.

Through BCT, or sometimes simply referred to as Stillness Touch, we learn the skills to recognize and abide in our body-felt-sense-awareness, which in and of itself is not only healing and transformative, it is also the domain of our “evolutionary edge.”

Stillness is neither stiff nor dead. It is alive. It is altogether still and dynamic. This is paradoxical to the mind yet directly “knowable” through body-felt-sense. The properties of life include the conditions from which life arose – the full cosmic, planetary, bodily continuum of what we call animate and inanimate; manifest and unmanifest; and the protoplasmic ground substance from which we evolved is polyrhythmic.

We will explore these polyrhythmic dimensions of our unified or whole being as representing differentiated, yet not separate, qualities of states of consciousness.

We live in dynamism and continuous evolutionary change. Indigenous and spiritual teachers have often said that we are ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’, but in the midst of so much turmoil it is easy for all of us to lose the direct experience of being a spiritual being as this human form.

The essence of biodynamic practice – as we teach it – is the understanding that all healing comes from this dynamic source. Whatever name one gives it; “IT” is a palpable felt-sense-awareness-presence. Phenomenologically it can be sensed as the field from which all things arise. The ability to sense deeper qualities of stillness becomes the essential skill required. This capacity is literally the foundational practice of this life-affirming work.

Few professional training programs provide ample time to slow down and develop one’s ‘felt-sense-awareness’ or work with one’s own personal energy field, let alone understand its impact.  This work is about understanding and developing the literal disposition of the practitioner, not about doing, fixing, or learning yet another thing “to do” to a body. Simple hand contacts are demonstrated yet no techniques are applied.

Once mastered, Stillness Touch can be integrated with other healing modalities or methods of practice. BCT is gentle and non-invasive, therefore integrating this work can expand a practitioners’ ability to address more complex symptoms in a client.  In this training we will acknowledge the various approaches and ‘schools’ of cranial work, and the distinct contribution of Biodynamic Cranial Touch.

Biodynamic Cranial Touch offers the possibility of these deeper states of awareness, specific contacts, and a path of practice we can follow personally as well as professionally. In class and beyond, we practice accessing the slower rhythms of the Breath of Life – those quieter, more still states of being. We immerse ourselves in the direct, bodily-felt states where we come to realize we are one with all that is.

This training is an opportunity to learn practices to cultivate a more neutral, grounded, and expanded state of being, be it seated at a table or in any aspect of your life.  BCT “transmits unconditional love through touch.”

Join us from 9AM until 6PM Saturday through Monday, January 17-19, 2015, for “Biodynamic Cranial Touch: Initiatory Course” at the Florida School of Massage.

Recommended reading: STILLNESS by Charles Ridley.

For more information or to register see FSM’s Continuing Education page or click here for more workshop information.