You Will Learn…
In your 6 month program at the Florida School of Massage in Gainesville you will learn:

Introduction to Awareness Based Massage and Orientation
The intention of the first three days of the program is to introduce the students to awareness based bodywork through short talks and experiential exercises. The students begin the program with sensitivity and perceptivity exercises which help form the base for contacting our clients with safety and respect. Students are introduced to communication and language skills that will be used throughout the program, as well as exercises for strengthening and stretching the legs, back, and hands as preparation for the physical nature of the massage program.
Swedish Massage & Foundations of Bodywork
We begin with Foundations of Bodywork and Swedish Massage, a general flowing technique designed to move blood and lymph and to relieve aching muscles while increasing relaxation and general well-being. Body mechanics and the context of sensitivity and trust that continues throughout the program are introduced in Foundations of Bodywork and Swedish Massage.

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Reserve your seat at open house
The best way to learn about our program is to tour and explore at this free event! We’d love to share our school with you and can’t wait to meet you. Space is limited.
Connective Tissue Therapy
Connective Tissue Therapy (CTT) focuses on lengthening the fascial component of chronically shortened muscles allowing the muscles to return to a relaxed state. Chronic postural habits can also be addressed. Clients who receive CTT can enjoy greater range of motion along with increased ease when standing and moving.

Polarity Therapy
Polarity Therapy is based on principles drawn from Chiropractic and Osteopathic medicine, as well as the healing arts of China and India. This unique synthesis addresses the concept and experience of life energy as it manifests at physical, emotional, and mental levels. Relatively light physical contacts are utilized with the intention of drawing the client’s awareness to the patterns of life energy that form the body/mind continuum.
Neuromuscular Therapy
Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) is a form of deep tissue massage that stimulates neurological reflexes related to chronic muscle contraction and pain patterns. Pressure is applied to specific trigger points in the bellies of muscles, causing them to relax, reducing pain and increasing body awareness.

Sports Massage
Sports Massage integrates Swedish Massage, NMT, flexibility guidelines and other sports massage techniques in ways specifically appropriate to working with athletes.
Hydrotherapy and Aromatherapy
Therapeutic applications of heat and cold, icepacks, saunas, whirlpools and other therapeutic tools and procedures are discussed and practiced. Also covered are the uses, effects of ingredients and therapeutic oils, and other products used in the practice of massage therapy, as well as the hygienic principles followed in the use of such treatments.

Anatomy and Physiology
This is a systemic Anatomy and Physiology program that seeks to establish an understanding of the human body as an internal experience rather than abstract data to be memorized. Discussions include the physiology of musculoskeletal pathology, maintenance of health through prevention, and an introduction to the principles of nutrition. Program material includes the development of tissues from a cellular level to organ systems with special emphasis on the relationship between muscle, nervous and connective tissues. Emphasis is also given to the physiology of emotional experience and the role of belief systems in the maintenance of chronic tension. A variety of innovative teaching tools are employed including visualization, prepared program notes, and noncompetitive testing to provide immediate feedback and to facilitate understanding.
Kinesiology classes help students gain a greater understanding of the relationship and functions of muscles. Students gain knowledge of the origins, insertions, and actions of over 100 muscles through the use of lecture, palpation, Maniken™ clay modeling, stretching, exercise, and body painting. Students also gain an understanding of muscle relationships and movement to specific pathologies and bodywork techniques.

Thai Massage
We will explore the core movements, stances, hand techniques and rooted breath awareness necessary for a strong foundation in the Thai Massage practice.
In both the massage-related modalities and linear classes, human pathology is introduced as it relates to the practice of massage therapy. Students will understand the cause, nature, and origin of diseases. Students will also gain the ability to notice any variant conditions or deviation from normal. Our graduates will be able to adapt their massage techniques to a wide range of conditions they may see in their practices.

Professional Development
It is our goal to help you develop the skills necessary to become a top-notch professional. Florida School of Massage students graduate with outstanding bodywork skills. We are committed to improving your confidence in becoming a professional wherever your career leads you.
Awareness and Communication Skills
A variety of classes in communication give students therapeutic verbal skills to support them to be available for clients as sensitive, caring human beings without judging or advising. Classes in group dynamics, conflict resolution and personal awareness range from group play to the use of personal journals, art, movement, sound, stillness and silence.

Boundaries and Professional Ethics
Students are introduced to some of the ethical issues regarding sexual boundaries and ethical conduct in the therapeutic relationship.
Medical Errors Prevention
The intention of this class is to stimulate thought and discussion regarding information and procedures that will help massage therapists prevent medical errors. Discussion includes massage scope of practice, communication skills, workplace safety, documentation, and medical contraindications for massage.

Instruction includes career planning and goal setting; obtaining employment; record keeping and tax strategies for the self-employed; marketing and promotional ideas for creating a successful massage practice; insurance billing and SOAP documentation.
Florida Laws and Rules: Business class discussions include Florida Statutes 456, 480 and Florida Administrative Code 64B7.
Florida Laws and Rules: Business class discussions include Florida Statutes 456, 480 and Florida Administrative Code 64B7.
Supervised Clinical Practicum
Students are required to complete multiple massage sessions outside normal classroom hours. These massage experiences are recorded in massage journals provided to the student. Medical history and information about the client is recorded in the journal and the client is requested to give the student written feedback on their work. Supervised massages are completed in the student clinic, at a retirement community and the Ronald McDonald House. Students also give and receive one massage from a staff member for individual instruction and feedback.

Community Circle
This class meets on Friday mornings, bringing both groups together to announce upcoming events or changes in the class schedule. This forum also provides an opportunity for dialogue and feedback about the program, or to give the students an exercise in awareness such as a guided meditation, a communication exercise, or a Feldenkrais® lesson.