License Renewal
Florida Board of Massage Therapy License Renewal Requirements
Current licenses expire at midnight, Eastern Time, on August 31, 2025.
Licensed Massage Therapists are renewed by the department on August 31, every odd year (i.e., August 31, 2017).
To ensure you receive your renewal notification from the department, your current mailing address must be on file. Failure to renew an active or inactive license by the expiration date will result in the license being placed in delinquent status. Failure by a delinquent licensee to renew before the expiration of the current licensure cycle renders the license null and void without any further action by the board or the department.
There have been changes to the license renewal process. Please visit CE @ Renewal to learn more.
First renewal
The total number of continuing education hours required for your first renewal is equal to the number of months and partial months you have been licensed.
Your total number of hours required includes hours completed in the required prevention of medical errors and human trafficking awareness courses.
Subject Area
Required Hours
Important Information
Prevention of Medical Errors (Instruction Hours)
2 hours
This course is required for all licensed health care practitioners per section 456.013(7), F.S.
Human Trafficking Awareness (Instruction Hours)
1 hour
This course is required every renewal, and must address both sex trafficking and labor trafficking, how to identify individuals who may be victims of human trafficking, how to report cases of human trafficking, resources available to victims, and how to seek assistance as a victim of trafficking.
General Hours (Instruction Hours)
1 hour per month or partial month licensed over three months
General hours may include a varied range of subjects. All courses in this category must be approved by the Florida Board of Massage Therapy.
Hours taken during the renewal cycle in excess of the required hours in any of the other subject areas may be counted as general hours.
Subsequent renewals
24 hours of continuing education are required for all subsequent renewals, as follows.
Subject Area
Required Hours
Important Information
Relevant to and Focused on Massage Therapy Techniques, Skills and Protocols (Classroom Hours)
12 hours
For the 2019-2021 and 2021-2023 renewal cycles, courses in this subject area may be taken by distance learning.
Click here for more information.
Courses in this subject area are usually required to be in an in-person (classroom) setting.
Prevention of Medical Errors (Instruction Hours)
2 hours
This course is required for all licensed health care practitioners pursuant to Section 456.013(7), Florida Statutes.
Human Trafficking Awareness (Instruction Hours)
1 hour
This course is required every renewal, and must address both sex trafficking and labor trafficking, how to identify individuals who may be victims of human trafficking, how to report cases of human trafficking, resources available to victims, and how to seek assistance as a victim of trafficking.
Florida Laws and Rules (Instruction Hours)
2 hours
This course must cover Chapters 456 and 480, Florida Statutes and Rule 64B7, Florida Administrative Code, which govern massage therapy practice in Florida.
Professional Ethics (Instruction Hours)
2 hours
This course is required by Rule 64B7-28.009(4)(c), Florida Administrative Code.
General Hours (Instruction Hours)
5 hours
General hours may include a varied range of subjects. All courses in this category must be approved by the Florida Board of Massage Therapy.
Hours taken during the renewal cycle in excess of the required hours in any of the other subject areas may be counted as general hours.
For more info go to: