Orthopedic and Sports Massage Certification Course 2: In Understanding Hip and Low Back Pain and Dysfunction
Florida School of Massage 6421 SW 13th St, Gainesville, FL, United StatesMyoZen Therapy Lower Back
Florida School of Massage 6421 SW 13th St, Gainesville, FL, United StatesCE Hours: 12 CEs. Margie is a provider for NCBTMB (295498-00) and CE Broker (50-1260). All MyoZen classes also include 12 hours of Mandatory Home Study Courses (FL Law, Ethics, Medical Errors, Balancing Body Energy, and Human Trafficking)
To Register: Please visit margiemeshew.com/continuingeducationformasssagetherapists, choose the class you would like to attend, and then click on book now.
Hot Stone Massage
Florida School of Massage 6421 SW 13th St, Gainesville, FL, United StatesCE Hours: 12 Florida Live hours
To Register: Contact Sarah at sarahscato@hotmail.com or call/text 970-443-8339
Biodynamic Cranial Approach ~ Touch of Presence® Introductory Course
Florida School of Massage 6421 SW 13th St, Gainesville, FL, United StatesCE Hours: 24 Florida and NCBTMB
To Register: Visit www.maryreis.com/upcoming-workshops
The Heart Of Hawaiian Lomi Massage
Florida School of Massage 6421 SW 13th St, Gainesville, FL, United StatesCE Hours: 16 CEUs given through CE Broker and a certificate of completion. We are also a provider for NCBTMB. Out of state students have the responsibility to check if their state accepts CE Broker or NCBTMB.
To Register: Please call or text Tony at (904) 557-8350
Ortho-Bionomy® Beyond Technique
Florida School of Massage 6421 SW 13th St, Gainesville, FL, United StatesTo Register: Visit LuannOvermyer.com
CE Hours: 16 credits FL and NCBTMB
Thai Massage Certification Phase 1 – Introduction to Thai Massage/Mat or Table
Florida School of Massage 6421 SW 13th St, Gainesville, FL, United StatesCE Hours: 18 CEs per weekend or 126 CEs for all phases (Florida and NCBTMB)
Orthopedic and Sports Massage Certification Course 3: Understanding Lower Extremity Pain and Dysfunction
Florida School of Massage 6421 SW 13th St, Gainesville, FL, United StatesPrenatal Massage
Florida School of Massage 6421 SW 13th St, Gainesville, FL, United StatesCE Hours: 16 live relevant hours NCBTMB Approved and CE broker registered
To Register: Call or text to 386-289-1299 or email amber@apbce.com
Manual therapies for Surgeries, Scars, and Burns
Florida School of Massage 6421 SW 13th St, Gainesville, FL, United StatesCE Hours: 17 Florida, 16 NCBTMB
To Register: Contact Lee Whitridge, 772-979-5828 or bluemoonies@juno.com or Register online here
Professional Acupressure for Pain Treatment
Florida School of Massage 6421 SW 13th St, Gainesville, FL, United StatesCE Hours: 12 Florida
To register and for more reading on the workshop, go to www.dewildenaturalmedicine.com
Thai Massage Certification Phase 2 – Expanding Vocabulary
Florida School of Massage 6421 SW 13th St, Gainesville, FL, United StatesCE Hours: 18 CEs per weekend or 126 CEs for all phases (Florida and NCBTMB)
Orthopedic and Sports Massage Certification Course 4: Understanding Neck and Upper Back Pain and Dysfunction
Florida School of Massage 6421 SW 13th St, Gainesville, FL, United StatesGetting Specific with the Head and Neck
Florida School of Massage 6421 SW 13th St, Gainesville, FL, United StatesCE Hours: 9 Florida for one day, or 18 if taking both days
To Register: Contact Frank Merillat at 352-371-0743 or e-mail at fmerillat@mac.com
Getting Specific with the Shoulder
Florida School of Massage 6421 SW 13th St, Gainesville, FL, United StatesCE Hours: 9 Florida for one day, or 18 if taking both days
To Register: Contact Frank Merillat at 352-371-0743 or e-mail at fmerillat@mac.com
Saturday will focus on the neck, Sunday will focus on shoulder. Participants can do either single day or both days.
Thai Massage Certification Phase 3 – Advanced Postures of Thai Massage
Florida School of Massage 6421 SW 13th St, Gainesville, FL, United StatesCE Hours: 18 CEs per weekend or 126 CEs for all phases (Florida and NCBTMB)
Therapeutic Strategies for Effective Pain Relief
Florida School of Massage 6421 SW 13th St, Gainesville, FL, United StatesCE Hours: 17 Florida, 16 NCBTMB
To Register: Contact Lee Whitridge, 772-979-5828 or bluemoonies@juno.com or Register online here
Orthopedic and Sports Massage Certification Course 5: Athlete Focused: Pre-event, Post-event, Maintenance and Timing
Florida School of Massage 6421 SW 13th St, Gainesville, FL, United StatesLuminessence Facelifting Massage Course™
Florida School of Massage 6421 SW 13th St, Gainesville, FL, United StatesTo Register: Call Ellie at 239-985-0262 or send an email to esandler4@gmail.com
CE Hours: 14 Hands On, 4 Home Study and 6 Florida Mandatory (comes free with the course)
Ortho-Bionomy® Cranial
Florida School of Massage 6421 SW 13th St, Gainesville, FL, United StatesTo Register: Visit LuannOvermyer.com
CE Hours: 16 credits FL and NCBTMB