It is the individual LMT’s responsibility to ensure that any classes taken meet their renewal requirements
Calendar of Events
S Sun
M Mon
T Tue
W Wed
T Thu
F Fri
S Sat
1 event,
1 event,
4 events,
An Introduction to Craniosacral Work
CE Hours: 16 FL & NCBTMB
To Register: contact Mary Reis,, 352-246-6280
Prenatal Massage
CE Hours: 16 live relevant hours NCBTMB Approved and CE broker registered
To Register: Call or text to 386-289-1299 or email
3 events,
Myozen Therapy Techniques
CE Hours: 12 CEs. Margie is a provider for NCBTMB (295498-00) and CE Broker (50-1260). All MyoZen classes also include 12 hours of Mandatory Home Study Courses (FL Law, Ethics, Medical Errors, Balancing Body Energy, and Human Trafficking)
To Register: Please visit, choose the class you would like to attend, and then click on book now.
3 events,
3 events,
Professional Acupressure for Pain Treatment
CE Hours: 12 Florida
To register and for more reading on the workshop, go to