The Language of Touch

The human hand is considered one of the most remarkable creations of nature. It is said that no other part of our bodies, other than the cerebral cortex, so dramatically identifies us as human.

The hands are what we use to interact with the world around us. We reach out to grab what we want and throw up a wall to stop what we don’t. This marvel of engineering, a source of exquisite sensory pleasure, fluidly adapts to allow us to express through touch either strength or sensitivity; violence or love.

Tasting the Pudding

They say the proof of the pudding is in the tasting. When a new receipe is tried, the success or lack of success is determined when the dish is sampled. It is like that with professional development, take a course and try what has been experienced and see what...

Get Rid of Plantar Fasciitis Once and For All

Six months of enduring foot pain, shoe inserts, night boots, expensive custom-fitted shoes, oral medications, daily exercises, steroid injections (3), cryo-therapy and surgery did little for the desperate and frustrated woman on the other end of my phone. I agreed to see this likeable woman, all the while uncertain as to what my approach to plantar fasciitis could accomplish so late in the game.

I was immediately impressed by this woman’s persistence, positive attitude and compliance with the “homework” she had been assigned to treat her stubborn case. After reviewing what she had been faithfully doing on her own, I set out to see what my hands would discover.

Osteoporosis: An Innovative Approach

  According to the National Institute of Health, 40 million Americans either have osteoporosis or are at high risk due to low bone density.  Osteoporosis is responsible for more than 1.5 million fractures annually, including:300,000 hip fractures700,000 vertebral...

Roots and Branches

The work we do has quite a lineage. The art of manual therapy, the use of touch, began thousands of years ago as a way of helping people feel better, helping to deal with the rigors of daily life. It is a tree that has grown many branches and roots. We feel the...

Movement and Posture: A Different Perspective

Have you ever worked with people who felt better on the table, but their problems began to recur as soon as they got off the table?  Have you wondered if there is something else you could do?About twenty years ago, I began asking this question.   Not only did many of...