
The Communion of Presence

The Communion of Presence

By Mary Reis In the Touch of Presence® School for Biodynamic Studies, the Biodynamic Cranial Approach is a specialized form of craniosacral education.  Giorgia Milne teaches here in the United States as well as in Europe, Australia, and Taiwan, with Gainesville...

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Connective Tissue – The Great Unifier

Connective Tissue – The Great Unifier

By Dean Juhan (with note from Frank Merillat) From Frank: Deane Juhan is one of my favorite teachers, I have been studying with him for well over 20 years. He combines a very deep understanding of the workings of the movement body, he wrote Job’s Body : A Handbook for...

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Happiness and Right Livelihood

Happiness and Right Livelihood

By Ariela Grodner It has been two days since my return from a ten-day Vipassana course in Jesup, Georgia. Vipassana means insight. Being in silence with a foundation in morality, or a strict commitment to inflicting the least amount of harm possible. One can...

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Tips for new massage therapists, from a digital marketer

Tips for new massage therapists, from a digital marketer

By Neesha Anderson One of the beautiful but sometimes overwhelming things about being a massage therapist is how many different facets of your business you get to control. From the modalities and services you offer, to your philosophy, brand, online presence, and the...

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Balance in a heart centered business

Balance in a heart centered business

By Ariela Grodner Those of us who have chosen massage therapy as an occupation probably have noticed that sometimes there is a conflicting element in charging money for something as sacred as holding space for someone's heart. What we do is also very valuable and on...

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Beacons and Awe

Beacons and Awe

By Mary Reis Beacon: A source of guidance or inspiration One thing I am most grateful for in this profession is that our education offers us an opportunity to reconnect with a more essential part of our humanity. Giving and receiving work allows us to explore...

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Beyond the Shoulder

Beyond the Shoulder

By Cristian Arroyo Often when therapists think about shoulder pain or shoulder dysfunction, we seem to gravitate toward the glenohumeral joint, the scapula and their associated musculature as potential structures that need help. Restoring functionality of the...

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Breathing and Inspired Living

Breathing and Inspired Living

By Pete Whitridge I am so enjoying the New Year! Lee and I are at home in Fort Pierce for the first time in 16 years; very different to be here in Florida rather than at our cabin in the Ozarks. We decided to put our beloved little sanctuary on the market...

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Nerve Tour – Gil Hedley

Nerve Tour – Gil Hedley

By Pete Whitridge Welcome to the new year! Thank you to everyone who attended classes with me throughout the 2021- 2023 renewal period. I always feel energized and rejuvenated when I am in your presence. In-person education feels particularly important in these times...

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Spirals, circles, and cycles

Spirals, circles, and cycles

By Ariela Grodner Spirals, circles, and cycles of movement inspire and shape a curiosity that influences me in life and in my teaching modality. Though I was not someone who grew up with an ease around mathematics, I have grown to love the energetic and sacred...

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