The Power of Prenatal Massage
By Amber Lester Pregnancy can be a challenging time for mind, body and spirit. In just 280 days the body goes through enormous changes. The effects of pregnancy ripple through the entire body like a boulder dropped into a pond. Every body system is...
Participate in Regulatory Updates and License Renewal Details
By Pete Whitridge Happy New Year! We are now in the final 8 months of our biennial license renewal period. Review the information below to make sure you and the establishment in which you work are ready for renewal as well as in compliance with the current,...
Important Updates for Massage Therapists
By Pete Whitridge Welcome to autumn in Florida. Lee and I have recently been traveling in our RV, using this summer to take workshops for personal awareness and to deepen our connection. Much of this personal journey applies to my work as a massage therapist...
Holograms: The missing link to big breakthroughs in client pain
By Mindy de Wilde (Rohrbacher), L.Ac For the first four years, my massage practice was going well overall. My clients left their sessions feeling relaxed, grounded and typically with a decrease in pain. But occasionally clients’ pain was stubborn, on-going and I felt...
Dynamics of the Breath: Breathing for Wellness and Longevity
By Pete Whitridge I’ve been revisiting some of my favorite chapters from James Nestor’s book Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art and watching some YouTube interviews with him. What always strikes me is the importance of how our physiology can be...
The Realm of the Heart
By Mary Reis Why do we love the things we love? Or the people we love? My son, before he could even talk, LOVED earth moving equipment. When we drove by construction sites I would hear him in the back seat, grunting like a chimp, “Ooo, ooo,...
That Time Again
So it’s that time again! We are one year away from the deadline to renew our massage license, that means we need to be thinking and planning for completing our continuing education requirements. Do you have a plan? Do you know the requirements to renew? Remember all...
Dynamics of the Breath: Touching the Heart Space
By Pete Whitridge I’m looking forward to being at FSM March 15-16 to teach Dynamics of the Breath. This workshop focuses on assisting clients to calm their nervous systems and create greater ease in their ability to breathe. I love working in this area...
Checking In, Massagy Therapy Updates
By Pete Whitridge Lee and I hope that each of you survived both Hurricanes Helene and Milton without much damage and that your life is returning to balance. We’re grateful that our home in Fort Pierce was undamaged but so sad about the hundreds of homes and...
45 Years at FSM – Sept 1979 to Sept 2024
By Josie Davenport Philosophy of Life by Josie Davenport - 1979 FSM Transcripts “Though we are born with individual talents, and the processes of our lives make us different, we all share the same basic human needs - we need to feel connected to the earth and to other...