Advanced Certifications

Certification in Traditional Thai Massage and Ayurveda
Traditional Thai Massage is an ancient healing technique that has been in popular use in Asia since the time of The Buddha (roughly 500 b.c.) During this 108 hour Advanced Training in Thai Massage and Ayurveda, we will explore the core movements, stances, hand techniques and rooted breath awareness necessary for a strong foundation in the art. It is offered in six consecutive weekends throughout the year. Every weekend will specialize in a different aspect of the Thai Massage.

Biodynamic Cranial Approach ~ Touch of Presence® Intensive with Giorgia Milne
A year-long immersion in Biodynamic Cranial Touch as a pathway for personal evolution and to become a BCA practitioner

Orthopedic and Sports Massage Certification
Our 96 hour, six course certification will help our students gain a deeper understanding of soft tissue injuries, how to treat them and what causes them.
We will use the study of the anatomy to get a wider comprehension of the musculature and other structures that support movement to enhance the students understanding of how function is achieved in the body.
In addition, our courses will be based heavily around learning assessment protocols. These classes will deepen your understanding of injury and pain and advance your confidence to provide treatment to your clients.