So it’s that time again! We are one year away from the deadline to renew our massage license, that means we need to be thinking and planning for completing our continuing education requirements. Do you have a plan? Do you know the requirements to renew? Remember all your CEs must be reported and recorded by CEBroker before you can submit your renewal. Also be aware that if this is your first renewal the requirements may be different. To be sure, check the requirements on the Board of Massage website. Also be sure that the CE credits are Florida approved, some National or other credits may not be approved and accepted by Florida.

What is your plan? How do you distinguish your massage and practice from others? Do you specialize in a particular modality? Do you want to be versatile, able to address client needs with a variety of tools? Is there something that really interests you, you want to know more? So many therapists just do the minimum that is required instead of pushing their learning and skills. We are professionals in the health care system and it is important for us to grow as practitioners.

I have been blessed to have has access to so many wonderful instructors/teachers throughout my career. Also to have interest in so many aspects of the work we do. This has allowed me to address my client’s needs with what I hope will be a beneficial outcome. Knowledge of how the body works, and the intention of whatever approach seems most appropriate is a wonderful thing. Also the ability to communicate both what and why of the work I am doing also helps get the best result. One of the things that really helped my practice be successful is the ability to do specific massage work. I combine my knowledge of anatomy and movement with specific hand skills, intention and communication to hopefully get the best results. This is really appreciated by my clients; they feel the benefit of the results.

I will be offering three opportunities before renewal is due. Playing with the Breath is scheduled for this November 9-10 and will be an in depth look at the breathing process from muscles involved, to the effects of posture and the body-mind connection to the breath. A good bit of focus will be on the rib cage and how to improve mobilization and movement of the ribs to enhance breathing.

In April Deane Juhan will be returning to explore the use of his Resistance/Release Approach in increasing function in the movement body. This will be an exploration of the work of Milton Trager, as presented by one of his long-time students and an internationally recognized instructor of body work. The Resistance/Release approach is a method to engage the nervous system with the contractile system to increase function and ease of movement. This class will be April 25-27, 2025.

If you would like to improve your palpation skills, sharpen your knowledge and understanding of the anatomy and movement of the neck and shoulder, you might want to register for the July 12 Getting Specific with the Neck and/or the July 13 Getting Specific with the Shoulder courses I am offering. You can take either one or both, as they combine well together. Each class offers detailed anatomy, palpation and treatment techniques for the focused area. There will be lots of hands-on time to allow practice. The shoulder day will offer sideline work as well as the more traditional supine and prone work. The addition of movement to enhance your treatment will also be featured for both days. You can find details and how to register on the FSM website (post graduate/workshops). I hope to see some of you there.

It is now time to have a plan to complete your renewal requirements. You can find many different options on the FSM website under workshops. Whatever you chose to do, I highly recommend not waiting to the last minute. Be clear on what is required and what interests you. How do you want your practice to be and what will make you a better therapist to meet your client’s needs? This is how we grow our profession.