By Frank Merillat

As you may be aware Florida School of Massage will be celebrating its 50-year celebration this year. This is quite an accomplishment for us especially when one considers that many “mom and pop” schools have been replaced by more corporate structures. I also note that when I visit other schools to take workshops or just to visit, I am always reminded what a wonderful place we have in FSM. 

I was just in a workshop class led by Deane Juhan, a noted instructor of the Trager Approach and now his own Resistance/Release approach he is developing based on his experience with Milton Trager. Deane comes here pretty much on a yearly basis to share this work, and to start his classes he asks participants to share about themselves, what brings them, and what they hope to gain from the class. The sharing that happened really struck me. Many talked about how wonderful it was to be back in the Blue Room at FSM. They spoke about their positive feelings and the experience that being here again offered. The experience they received during their study in the basic program and subsequent courses had really helped them both professionally and personally. They noted it was an appreciated feeling.

I know this matched my own experience. I came to FSM in September of 1993 and as it turns out I never left. I was 45 years old and knew I needed a change in my life. My ex-wife had been to school in 1991 and even though we had grown apart relationship-wise, she suggested I go to FSM. The school at that time had a reputation as a great place to work on oneself. Considering the mission statement of the school “to enhance the quality of life through the vehicles of touch and awareness”, it was what I was looking for. I was stuck and needed to work on myself, and the school provided the means and direction to do that. As it turned out I had some talent as a body worker even though that was not what brought me. Now here I am almost 30 years down the line and still learning about the body, myself and others. The environment the school creates offers and supports growth in each of us.

I mentioned Deane Juhan earlier as a visiting instructor, I have also had the opportunity to work with several other outstanding instructors of different approaches to working with the body and all of them have shared how much they enjoy sharing their work with the participants at FSM. They note that they do not have to start from scratch about approaching the body. Participants are aware of the body-mind connection, the need to meet the client where they are, the importance of being with rather than doing to, how to be soft in meeting the tissue, and the importance of communication to the healing process. There is a common base with FSM graduates that allows the understanding of more advanced work. These instructors appreciate the preparation our students experienced. The students who shared at the beginning of Deane’s class were referring to these qualities.

I always invite students I have taught to come home and “bathe in the soup” that is FSM. Come visit a class or modality that would add juice to your experience. If you choose to do this, do check with the instructor to make sure it is okay. Most classes are, however the process classes that deal with the inner workings of the group are kept to the group itself.

Another option is to take a workshop. Check out the classes that are being offered by various instructors, you can find these in the Connective Issue or by going to the FSM website. This is a renewal year and you do need all your required CEs completed before you can renew your license by August 31 (don’t forget Human Trafficking).

I am offering my Getting Specific with the Neck on Saturday July 22 and Getting Specific with the Shoulder on Sunday July 23. A good chance to dip back into the anatomy of these areas and gain useful treatment strategies as well as connect with fellow therapists. 

As we move closer to the celebration of our 50 years of training talented therapists, think about what is important to you. What helped you get to where you are, what you would like to add, how do you plan to grow in whatever you are doing. And if it feels right come back to FSM and “take a swim in the soup” with your fellow therapists. 

I hope to see you at our 50-year celebration, at present planned for Saturday November 4th from 3 to 9. Keep an eye out for the details.