By Ariela Grodner

As a child I was much more of an artist than a mathematician, but as my eyes developed I started noticing the beauty of numbers in nature. Numbers have a feeling. The number one is the beginning, the expression of two is a partnership, and the number three is a dynamic number of growth. When two parents unite there is sometimes a child.

My sweet friend came to visit me yesterday elated that they found a trillium flower. This is such a rare and special flower. It now sits in an antique soda bottle in my living room, permeating the essence of three.

Thai Massage is not only a Yogic art, but there’s also elements of numerology based on the fact that we often work in sets of three. A triangle is three, so when we move into the space of palpation, that is a soft gentle entrance. We then increase our contact and reach higher depths of awareness. This could translate as a deeper touch. As we come out of the contact, we end with a gentle touch. If we break down the entire session of Thai-Massage, it is also reflecting the number three. We begin slow, escalate to a deeper and more expansive quality of touch, and end with a soft stillness.

I just love this dance and I have begun to notice this magical number in every aspect of life.

We have a garden here at our home. It is a beautiful garden that requires a lot of time and energy. I see the commitment to daily planting, weeding, and watering a vital element to a successful garden. There will also be a time when we are not working the land as much, but rather maintaining the plants, protecting them from predators, making sure they have space, and that we are benefiting from the harvest. The third relationship to the garden is letting it rest. All of these three elements of gardening are equally important. If we work too hard, we will fail. If we coast too long, we will fail. If we rest too long, it will also end up not so well for the garden.

We are also a garden. We must stay diligent in our growth, coast time to time benefitting from the merits of our effort, and we must know when we need to rest.  

As you can see, I am enthralled by the number three. I see it everywhere, and it has inspired me to not only grow, but to grow in a very balanced way. My relationship to Thai Massage is now over 21 years old. I am excited always to share this art with students and clients, and I believe it’s due to the mystical number three.

I have developed a series of classes at the Florida School of Massage titled Triple Gem Yogis. We begin our first class the second weekend of May and grow together over the next few months developing a strong foundation with expanding joy and inspiration. All levels welcome.