By Pete Whitridge

Over the years the Fascia Research Society (FRS) has received a great deal feedback about the need to incorporate more clinical aspects into their biennial Fascia Research Congress. As a result of this feedback, there is finally an exciting new event, scheduled to be held in Rio De Janeiro in the Spring of 2024 – Fascia Clinical Summit 2024. 

The Fascia Clinical Summit will be an opportunity to take the science and translate it into useful clinical dialog and understanding”, which will be of particular benefit for massage and movement therapists. “The overarching topic of Fascia Clinical Summit 2024 will be “Women’s Fascial Health”, focusing on various fascial pathologies commonly associated with women’s bodies, and often difficult to diagnose and treat, or pathologies forming a pervasive dysfunction. Such topics as, mastectomy, pelvic floor, cesarean section,” as well as other important topics for helping our female clients will be covered. 

The Research Congress will remain a scientific congress, focused on presenting the latest in fascia research. The FRS hopes the initial Fascia Clinical Summit will become a regular event on the years between Research Congresses. Registration will open in January 2024 for FRS members. You might consider joining this group for the benefits (subscription to the IJBMT, private webinars, and discounted conference registration) as well as to support their educational and collaborative work. 

Here is the Society’s Mission Statement: “The Fascia Research Society (FRS) was established as a membership organization to facilitate, encourage, and support the dialogue and collaboration between clinicians, researchers, and academicians, to further our understanding of the properties and functions of fascia.” 

I’m very excited to see this development from the FRS! Each Congress that I’ve attended was intensely scientific and educational. The main drawback for me has been that it did not always provide useful information to enhance my massage therapy practice. This new event will greatly benefit our field by applying the science to our clinical practice. Making the science applicable and intelligible is what I’ve been trying to do in my Myofascial Components of Pain workshops ever since I attended the inaugural Fascia Congress in 2007. If this is of interest to you, please join me to learn about the current findings of my colleagues and teachers from a fascial perspective. I have three different classes scheduled at FSM this summer: Myofascial Components of Low Back and Leg Pain in June, Manual Therapies for Surgeries, Scars and Burns in July, and Therapeutic Strategies for Effective Pain Relief in August.

Each class will help you improve your palpation skills, understand more about the importance of the connective tissues in our work, and receive great bodywork all weekend to help you revitalize your body, mind and spirit. You can also take the Big 3 classes (Ethics, Florida Law, and Prevention of Medical Errors) on Monday after the weekends in June or August. I hope to spend some time with you in Gainesville! 


FRS Newsletter announcement link: