By Ariela Grodner

The seed has been planted like three little jewels in the fertile soil at the Florida School of Massage. Today is just a few days after our last offering and I’m feeling such deep gratitude to be back in the beautiful blue room. When I sit in that familiar space at FSM, It’s not the actual aesthetic of it that touches me, but all the memories and the realization of how many circles have sat here. The sharing of heart songs and words of wisdom help lift the human spirit. This sharing enables us to achieve a level of love and awareness for ourselves and for each other so pure that it is almost indescribable. This is what inspires me most about the “Blue Room.”

I’ve decided to bring back a series of classes to our beautiful school that would encourage therapists to find more ease and creativity in their practice. Thai-Massage has the gift of igniting creativity, inspiration and can even enliven a pre-existing practice. As I speak from my own experience I can say that after 20 years I am excited like a child when I give a session and notice that I too am growing just as much as the students I hold space for.

We are all students blessed to be born into a time where we are able to be supported in an art so special like bodywork and of course my favorite, Thai-Massage.

The multifaceted attendance in class consists of current students in the main program, returning students reviewing, and advanced students who come to assist. This reminds me that no matter what level we are at in this field there will always be room to grow.

Let us maintain inspiration and self-love in our practice so that we can continuously flourish and share with integrity and joy.

Join me October 22nd for next round of three

winter schedule