We are filled with grief and at the same time aware of so much love and joy for having the opportunity to know Maura Brady. Maura passed away last month, at her home surrounded by family, after living with lymphoma (CLL) for the past 1.5 years.

Maura joined FSM as a student in 1992 and began her teaching of massage therapy at FSM a few years later. Over the past 25 years Maura has literally and figuratively touched thousands of lives. Her presence, attention, intention, kindness, and loving spirit remains in the hearts of those she met and engaged with. Over the years Maura taught Polarity Therapy, Connective Tissue Massage, Continuing Education classes, Communication Skills, as well as worked with students one on one. Her view, often shared with me, was that her main job at FSM was to love everyone in our community. In her personal life Maura loved our local springs, gardening, basketball, connecting with friends, music, dancing, and even recently identified somewhat as a dog person.