by Frank Merillat

frank staff photo

Here I sit writing as year 2015 comes to its end. As I look back, it has been an eventful year. There have been lots of changes at the school. We now have a Night Program, there has been a bit of reorganization, new faces are seen, the website has been redesigned and we are hopefully making progress in keeping this wonderful thing that we do moving onward.

I am also close to another year older, my birthday is in January and this brings me to thinking about the aging process. I am aware of how my body and mind are in the process of change. I now have to pay attention to how I use my physical and mental energy. I used to be able to just push through and keep on going. Now I find I have to use my awareness to work and behave smarter. I have to be more efficient in what I do.

This has been an interesting process for me. I find I have to think about the outcome of my commitments. I have had to learn to say “No” more often than I used to and I find myself asking the question, “What could be easier, more efficient?” when I decide to take on tasks or work assignments. I do this so I can be better, more present when I take something on. This has been quite a challenge at times, for as the saying goes, “Old habits die hard.”

I am very thankful for the wonderful opportunity to practice more awareness in teaching and in the work I do with clients. My work gives me a daily challenge to practice self-care both physically and mentally. It also reminds me that I can offer this insight to my clients as an intention that can benefit their lives as well.

I give thanks for the opportunity the Florida School of Massage gave me to develop this cognizance and some of the skills necessary to put it in action. I also acknowledge the wonderful teachers who have offered me guidance on my journey. Some have been here at our school; others have been in classes and life experiences along the way. All have helped bring me to where I am today.

Part of what has really helped me in this has been the influence of Milton Trager’s approach to life and bodywork. That is where the question I quoted earlier originated for me. How do I do whatever I am doing in an easier and more efficient manner? I have learned to ask this whenever I am doing a task, whether it is work or play. This guides me to pay attention and respond in a timely manner. It has allowed me to work with the changes I am now experiencing with the aging process. It helps me keep going and I believe it helps those I interact with as well.

There are two opportunities offered here in Gainesville in January if you are interested in exploring what has been so helpful to me. Deane Juhan will be returning to offer his Resistance/Release approach Saturday through Monday, January 16-18, at FSM. This work has been very useful to me in both working easier and involving the client directly in their therapy process. It combines well with whatever modality I am using with a client. You can find details about the class here.

The second opportunity is a six-day workshop with Roger Tolle. This is the beginning class in the Trager® Approach certification. Roger is an excellent instructor with a background in dance and movement. This class will be split over two weekends: Friday – Sunday, January 22-24 and January 29-31. This class will not be held at FSM, but it will be here in Gainesville.

If either of these sounds interesting to you, contact me directly at (352) 371-0743 or email As I said the learning and skills I have received from practicing the approach offered by Dr. Trager have been useful both professionally and personally. I give thanks to all who have contributed to my growth and wellbeing.