When I first heard the expression “Thai Massage Yogi” used, it was expressed by my first instructor in the Thai modality,  Kam Thye Chow. Perceiving direct correlations between both disciplines (Yoga and Thai Massage) was revelatory, but having this perception confirmed and codified by one of the most world renowned and respected practitioners of Thai Massage solidified their connection in my mind in a very powerful way. Having begun my Yoga practice in the early 90’s and my meditation practice shortly thereafter, and having the exploration of these disciplines lead me to sell my retail business in order to pursue knowledge of (and a career in) the healing arts, my awareness of the connectedness of these arts and endeavors is an undeniable one. The work invested in oneself, leads inevitably to the will and the means to help and serve other individuals struggling, as we all do, along their own paths. I find that, by devoting myself to healing my own body with Yoga, and sharing that healing with others (via any of the massage modalities), the mind naturally moves towards a place of clarity, the heart (or our emotional body) confidently opens to others, and I find that my awareness of my surroundings, ability to move in the world with grace and equanimity, andincreases exponentially. Lately a profound shift in my motivations has occurred. In the past my obligations concerning maintaining my own disciplines was motivated by my own physical health and well-being, taking the care necessary for my clients and being the person that my family needed me to be. Now, though these core motivations are as strong as ever, I find an ever-growing need to maintain my discipline for the sake of the students, who come to learn aspects of these disciplines from me. It is requisite that I be utterly present in my classes, that I may convey the root of the modality with the lucidity such initiation requires. Proper transference of the tenets of the discipline is a responsibility not to be taken lightly. Honoring the lineage, my students and their future recipients healing experience, means maintaining a level of purity and consciousness previously rare, at best, in my experience. A level of perception that once was the product of many hours of preparation, now comes on its own because my students’ learning requires it, and their loving spirit provides it.   I am so thankful that my classes have attracted such bright sparks, such devoted healers and Yogis. My life is far richer through the experience and the depth of my compassion, and my awareness increases with every student I meet and learn from. Recently my daughter and her best friend have begun the acquisition of this knowledge as well. Having my own child joyously joining the lineage helps solidify what an amazing process the path of self transformation is and can be. The gratitude I feel for this growing community knows no bounds. Out of these experiences, and the thankfulness I feel for those that have come before us, those of us learning together and especially for those that will continue the lineage after we are gone; I have written three books (with more in the works) in order to document and share my experiences as a student, practitioner, teacher and celebrant in the art of Thai Massage and my evolution as a Thai Massage Yogi – a path I wasn’t aware I was on until someone else pointed it out. Proof, if any was needed, that every individual’s path is part of a collective enterprise. We stand or fall (as does our lineage in the arts, whatever the modality or media of expression) together. Our well being is a non-zero sum game. So, thank you!…Thank you all!….My students, my teachers, everyone at FSM (a true temple for the modern Yogi, and a beautiful home for the healing arts), my parents, daughter, husband and the global community we all depend upon. Namaste!…and may all beings be happy!…Hooray! Ariela begins the next cycle, beginning with level 1 in October. Contact FSM or go to Arielasthaimassage.com for more info. The complete cycle is a 90-hour training in the Thai Massage Certification Program.  Payment plans are available.