In the late 1930’s, Charles Owens DO compiled and published the findings of osteopath Frank Chapman, identifying specific neurolymphatic reflex points that correspond to particular organs.   These reflexes allow the practitioner to assess lymphatic function of specific organs, to influence the motion of fluids, and influence the function of organs and glands through the nervous system. I was introduced to these Chapman’s Reflexes in my Ortho-Bionomy trainings in the late 1970’s, yet it took perhaps ten years before I fully understood how valuable and effective they could be.   My daughter’s friend had been suffering with gastrointestinal symptoms for months.  He had visited doctors and undergone panels of testing, all with no effect.  In ten minutes of checking these points, we determined that the only tender points were the small intestine reflexes.  With herbs to treat the small intestine from an acupuncturist his symptoms were relieved. Yet besides their relationship to the lymphatic system there is a structural component as well.  After five years of research with these reflexes, osteopath Charles Owens identified the Pelvic Thyroid Syndrome, describing the profound influence these neurolymphatic reflexes exert on the glandular system.  Owens stated that an imbalance of the pelvis (innominate lesion / ilium rotation lesion) can indicate an endocrine disturbance. This disturbance can be correlated to tenderness in the specific reflexes, and to the organs they reflex.  In other words, a structural problem in the pelvis such as a rotated ilium can create an imbalance in the endocrine system. In the 80’s I came to understand this first hand through my Ortho-Bionomy practice.  Clients began to present with chronic pain, emotional distress and the tender points of fibromyalgia.  I found that instead of chasing the pain points of  fibromyalgia, I got better results by balancing the pelvis first, then addressing the tender points. This alleviated much of the pain and suffering of fibromyalgia clients and brought relief to many of the endocrine symptoms of clients as well.  As it turns out the Ortho-Bionomy points indicating an ilium imbalance are the same posterior pelvis points for fibromyalgia.  The Chapman’s points located just below the greater trocanter of the femur indicating an endocrine imbalance also correspond to fibromyalgia points. I found that until the pelvis was balanced and the leg length even it made no sense to address the fibromyalgia points in the upper body.  Pelvic balance was the key to stabilizing the foundation.  Studies in the 80’s with Gerda Alexander from Copenhagen confirmed this theory for me.  Gerda presented an exercise that demonstrated the effect of the gait reflexes on the thoracic spine.  A leg length discrepancy can cause the reflexes to the thoracic spine to be stimulated unevenly.  In class with Gerda, I noted that the gait reflexes were moving only up on the left side of my spine and avoiding the right side.  Gerda Alexander inquired about injuries and I confirmed spinal fractures suffered in a motorcycle accident.  She assured me that these reflexes could be retrained with continued practice of the exercise, and they have corrected. An imbalance in the pelvis can also result in muscular and soft tissue tension patterns that can affect the lymphatic drainage around organs. Therefore any structural work we address with Ortho‑Bionomy, either for improving joint function or for muscular balancing to relieve soft tissue tension patterns is going to have a beneficial affect on lymph drainage. Sensing and visualizing the pelvis dimensionally and understanding structural and visceral relationships can add to the effectiveness of our work. For example, the sacrum and uterus sit on the same plane.  Therefore when the sacrum is tilted often the uterus is tilted as well. A torsion pattern can result in the broad ligament if one hip is rotated anterior and the other posterior.   When the broad ligament is torqued the lymphatic drainage around the uterus and / or ovaries may be affected and the Chapman’s points will reflexively be tender.  By recognizing that structure and function have a reciprocal relationship that is assessed and addressed by reflexes, we can more effectively work to restore the structural, visceral and hormonal balance of our clients. Come and learn more about Chapman’s Reflexes and how you can use Ortho-Bionomy to relieve allergy and gastrointestinal symptoms, arm pain, address fibromyalgia and more.  Hope to see you in class.