by Nancy Keeney Smith LMT, MLD Nancy Smith, LMT“Huh?” was my retort to a client. She was relaying her encounter with her physician about how therapeutic massage was improving her range of motion, blood flow and, most important to her, scar release. She was hoping her recent improvements would be all her physician needed to write a prescription for her to continue. Her physician remained unconvinced. On her physician’s desk in time for the next visit was a three-page letter from me with 30 pages of research showing how therapeutic massage can help with scar release, range of motion, blood flow and mood. The scenario I just related is why I teach not just techniques and assessments on scar release but weave current research into every hour of every class. The therapist learns how to measure success of their client with tools, pictures and documentation that is relevant to the client’s goals. We take a look at surgical scars of all kinds, medications, and what to include on the intake forms once you are back at your clinic. We also discuss the trauma involved for the client when a traumatic scar incident occurs and how that relates to your protocol for the sessions. The last hour brings all the knowledge together with a hands-on clinic with scar tissue clients. I hope you will consider joining me at FSM in May for the 12-hour continuing education class, Working with Matured Scar Tissue. Postscript: The physician’s assistant took notice of the documentation and prescribed more sessions for the client.