By Vincent Cambrea Gainesville, Florida – December 2011 – “The transition from massage therapist to fitness coach isn’t so much a career change as it is a progression in skills and a way to recession-proof a practice that might be in jeopardy in this tough economy,” says Vincent Cambrea, the coach who developed and conducts IMAP Training with the help of partner Chris White. IMAP is a fitness and lifestyle system that takes three months of coursework, including physical training, workout design, supervised coaching, business planning, and internship. Representing the Eastern Seaboard from New England to South Florida, 23 new IMAP coaches are completing coursework on December 14 at the Florida School of Massage. Almost all are licensed massage therapists. All the new coaches say they have trimmed down and become more fit since the course began in October—a nice side benefit. Nutrition, hydration, sleeping, stress management, and fitness levels all have been modified to fit the IMAP lifestyle. Coaches “live” the work. Cambrea says, “IMAP training moves seamlessly from the classroom to the gym because most of the students are massage therapists who are already knowledgeable in anatomy, physiology, and working with clients. When lifestyle, fitness, and orthopedics are added to bodywork, the combination is perfect for a coach.” The next IMAP Certification begins March 19, 2012. To see all dates click on Advanced Certifications.