I clearly remember the first time that I experienced a Stone Therapy session. Back then, there was so much buzz about adding hot and cold stones to a bodywork session, I admit to a lot of skepticism. I decided to try it out anyway. And am I glad I did! The experience I had actually deepened my relationship with myself. I immediately began to seek out a qualified and experienced teacher, so that I could provide my clients with a similar experience. After hearing the same unbelievable feedback from my massage clients, I began to wonder what it would be like to incorporate stonework into an already deeply relaxing reflexology session. Well, the rest is history. Although it’s been a couple of years since I taught Reflexology Rocks!, numerous requests have convinced me to offer the four-hour class again. Stones are part of the earth element; they help us to reconnect with the earth’s grounding, stable force. Used as an extension of one’s own hands, hot and cold mineral stones enhance and often elevate a client’s experience of reflexology to one of almost primordial sacredness. (I didn’t make that up! Those are words I often heard from clients!) Chilled stones calm and cool inflammatory conditions while heated stones lull the recipient into a deep experience of themselves that almost defies definition. Together hot and cold stones provide a vascular workout for the entire body, both stimulating and relaxing the circulatory system at the same time. As contradictory as this may sound, it is this unique interplay of heat and cold that deeply relaxes and re-energizes a tired body. I invite you to join our small group on either Saturday, November 12th in St. Augustine, Florida or at FSM on September 10, 2012, where you will learn how to safely incorporate hot and cold stones into a hand or foot reflexology session. Stones and all related equipment will be provided in class; resources to purchase your own tools and accessories will be made available. Read about the two new stones I will add to the basalt and marble arsenol! Consider making a weekend of it. Participate in  Reflexology and Essential Oils – The Perfect Marriage on Friday, November 11th (US Veterans’ Day). Take advantage of a one-time only reduced fee.